The National Biodigester Programme (NBP) is a government owned programme initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV). NBP aims for the establishment of a self-sustaining, market driven, national domestic biodigester sector in Cambodia. NBP is working with several partners, and up to date has achieved 28,110 biodigesters, equal to 6% of technical potential households.


There are different types of biodigester in use. The widely used model is the fixed dome digester buried under the ground. The fixed dome biodigester consists of digester with a fixed nonmoveable gasholder,which sits on top of the digester. In this biogas process,a source of renewable energy is generated such as methane(CH4),bio-slurry,gas for cooking,lightening and much more.

Farmer’s Friend

This biodigester size is having from 4m3 to 15m3 with biogas production 800 to 4,000 litters which need to fill the dung from 20kg-100kg per day for the household with 5-15 people.


This biodigester size is having from 2m3 to 3m3 with biogas production 600 to 800 litters which need to fill the dung from 15kg-20kg per day for the household with 3-5 people household.


This new composite biodigester become the popular model for BCs/BCAs and farmer due to it is fast to install and has reasonable price.


This type is for the pig farms (with 600- 4,200 pig heads) connecting with generator produce electricity for pig cooling system- EVAP.


The support and cooperation from the Project Building Adaptive Capacity through the Scaling-up of Renewable Energy Technologies in Rural Cambodia (hereinafter referred to as "S-RET"), and the Ministry of the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) to NBP is crucial to achieve the project’s objective and outputs. NBP believes that the project is able to contribute to greater scaling up of the Renewable Energy Technology (RET) esp. biodigesters in Cambodia among rural potential farmers. Project feedback demonstrates that the plant owners are interested in NBP technology with multiple benefits received from biodigesters esp. the connecting generators instead of consuming the fuels and the biogas heating lamp.

Biogas Water Pumping Machine

Water pumping machines have been modifying (convert from gasoline to biogas) with the VW Gas Company.

Biogas Heating Lamp

Biogas heating lamp was very useful for chicken warming/brooding purpose.


Economic Benefits

  • Save expenditures on fuel sources such as fuelwood, charging battery, kerosene
  • Save time to utilize in other income generation activities;
  • Enhance soil productivity because of the use of bio-slurry (added N,P,K values);
  • Reduce the quantity of chemical fertilizers due to the use of biodigester effluent;
  • Save health care expenditures due to decrease in smoke-borne diseases;
  • Provide employment to local people;
  • Develop private sector to produce economic goods;
  • Promote livestock health development.

Health Benefits

  • Reduce smoke borne diseases (dizziness, headache, eye-burning, respiratory tract-infection, nausea etc.);
  • Improve household sanitation due to attaching of latrines into bio-digesters, absences of black soot, ashes, firewood/dung cakes in kitchen;
  • Decrease burning accidents.

Environmental Benefits

  • Preserve/conserve forest;
  • Reduce green-house gases especially the methane;
  • Prevent land-fertility degradation due to excessive use of chemical fertilizers;
  • Eliminate smell from dung storage ponds at pig farms;
  • Reduce water pollution from pig dung being dumped into surface water.

Social Benefits

  • Extra time for social activities;
  • Enhance prestige in the community;
  • Reduce workload especially for women;
  • Bright light to help in quality of education and household works;
  • Increase in rate of enrollment of girls in school because of the liberty from fuel collection.

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